Our Mission



To lead everyone to Jesus Christ by accepting Him as Lord and Personal Savior, retain the lost souls and study His word (bible).

How can I be saved?


First and foremost, you need to admit your sins and repent. You need to confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and believe in your heart that He was raised from the dead to obtain salvation (Romans 10:9). Remember He has already paid the debt for your liberation, and He is coming soon (Hebrews 9:28).

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Daily Bible Quotes


Only Jesus can save. There is no other name in this world that can save you. Salvation is free for everyone so seek Him first.
'Turn to me and be saved, all you ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other' Isaiah 45:22 NKJV.

Jeremy Smith

Senior Pastor

Joe Turner

Elder Chairman
Our Team


Nullam vestibulum finibus ligula eget feugiat. Phasellus sit amet mi tristique, imperdiet ex eu, commodo neque. Aliquam finibus sapien metus, dignissim consectetur lectus tristique sit amet. Sed venenatis aliquet nunc a iaculis. Integer vitae pharetra leo. Fusce suscipit maximus sodales.

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The Way The Light wants you to know Jesus loves you

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Next Steps

Congratulations! You have decided to dedicate your life to following Jesus. You may be wondering what’s next on your journey. We want to help! Join us as we guide you toward the next steps in your walk with Christ.


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Maecenas nulla quam, elementum eget at ullamcorper quis, tristique a massa. Aenean vestibulum, ante in varius accumsan, odio dolor venenatis orci, eget rutrum.

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Maecenas nulla quam, elementum eget at ullamcorper quis, tristique a massa. Aenean vestibulum, ante in varius accumsan, odio dolor venenatis orci, eget rutrum.


Maecenas nulla quam, elementum eget at ullamcorper quis, tristique a massa. Aenean vestibulum, ante in varius accumsan, odio dolor venenatis orci, eget rutrum.