
The Way The Light

Is an e-evangelism platform that seeks to propagate the gospel of Christ to the unsaved irrespective of their class, gender, race, tribe, religion, and geographical location. One may ask who Jesus Christ is. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and anyone that comes to Him will be saved. Our Savior cares so much about the unsaved (lost sheep- Luke 15:1-7).

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How can I be saved?

First and foremost, you need to admit your sins and repent. You need to confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and believe in your heart that He was raised from the dead to obtain salvation (Romans 10:9). Remember He has already paid the debt for your liberation, and He is coming soon (Hebrews 9:28).


Our Mission

To lead everyone to Jesus Christ by accepting Him as Lord and Personal Savior, retain the lost souls and study His word (bible).

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Bible Study Plan

Develop a personal relationship with God by studying His Word to grow your faith. Read the bible in 365 days. You can acquire a personal bible from any bookshop to study the word of God. Alternatively, you can obtain a free online bible from the King James Bible.

Free Online Bible
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Follow-Up Ministry

Every soul saved by Jesus Christ matters to Him and hence must be well cared for. It is an undeniable fact that to win the heart of a new believer requires some effort, time and the free-will of the individual to follow Jesus.

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